Jungle Fever 2: The Relationship Between White Men and African Women

One of the first articles I ever wrote was Jungle Fever: the Relationships Between African Men and White Women. It’s not my proudest achievement, but if you type ‘mandingo fantasy’ in Google, I will be among the first few search results (and ironically, by using that term again in a post, I pretty much solidify my standing on page 1 of the term’s search results).

For that reason, that article get’s read every single day somewhere in the world. Since I am constantly going back to the article to moderate comments, I noticed that I promised to give my take on what happens when the Women of Chocolate meet the Men of Vanilla. So here we are.

Interracial wedding

Considering that I was not blessed with the ability to breastfeed and am a member of the group that pees standing up, the most I can do is give a very pedestrian take on the relationships that take place between African women and white men.

Aside from sex, the other reason it’s difficult for me to go into much depth on the matter is because of the top-secret-wouldn’t-share-it-if-you-tortured-me-inquisition-style approach that a lot of women take to their love, and especially sex, lives. However, a few cracks have shown through and I encourage you to leave some comments and fill in any gaps.

White Men are in Demand
If you are a Caucasian male….welcome! You are going to enjoy (or not….just read on) the next couple of paragraphs. Significant numbers of African women across all age groups want to take a sip from the masculine tree of Caucasia (wow, isn’t that poetic? I like that, and you can use it for any race 😀 ). Now the reasons vary across age groups and socio-economic lines a little like this:

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry

Poor Young African Women
This one especially applies to a sub-section of young women who tend to be very rural, but have had enough of Western influence to believe they have a hang of the Westernized culture (much to the amusement of some of us pretentious middle and upper class folk). They tend to work as hairdressers or prostitutes. These women want Caucasian males for money and the benefits that money will bring them. They are poor. They don’t have nice things. They want the money and the nice things.
They are also motivated by something else that I will discuss a little further on, but for now let’s move to…..

Middle and Upper Class African Women
Some of these women are motivated by money, but it doesn’t play the huge factor it does with the poor African women. These women in addition tend to be motivated by three things.
The first is a simple desire for adventure and exploration. The same thing happens to African males when they land overseas happens to our African sistaz: they want to taste and experience everything in the shop.
The second one I thought was a joke, but once I heard it a couple of times, realized that people really believe it. That saddened me. Some of them go for Caucasian males either because they love Caucasian skin and/or want to have beautiful babies. Love for Caucasian skin, no problem, there are some pretty fascinating things about the skin that amaze me, like how the skin gets red when you apply pressure then loses the colour when you ease on the pressure.

Leila Arcieri

However, because you want beautiful babies?! Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the subtext of that statement that half-black, half-white kids are superior somehow to a typical black child. With all the self-esteem issues we already have as a race, do we need this one too?!

Now, granted, half-black, half-white babies do tend to be pretty good looking – Shemar Moore, Barrack Obama, Lenny Kravitz, Jasmine Guy and Halle Berry just to name a few – but seriously!

In this day and age shouldn’t we be working on sorting out our inadequacies and insecurities as a race rather than making partner selection on the basis of something so superficial. AND NEVER FORGET, standards of beauty are taught. Shouldn’t we want to bring kids into the world who won’t look at other black people and think of them as hideous. But I digress…….
Reason number three, which is the same reason the poor African women traverse into the Vanilla milkshake aisle, is discussed below

Mature African Women
After the childishness and the silliness of youth (though a huge number of African women skip this stage all together) you are ready to settle down and build a life. Many African women at this stage are intelligent, hard working and have some form of material achievement. So when they look out across the globe at their prospects, they select the Caucasian male for a reason I know a lot of brothers won’t like:

White man kissing a black woman's feet

They Treat Women Better
Feminism hit the West hard! In fact my two cents on it is that in this day and age, as far as relationships are concerned, the power is imbalanced heavily in favour of women.

Men have been taught that women are divine creatures that should be pampered, wined, dined and consulted when making any major decisions.
Of course this isn’t universal, there have been some horror stories of abuse of all sorts, but enough men do this that it counts. Even when the man is simply after some sex from an African girl, he’ll take her to dinner and treat her like an absolute gentleman on the way to the bedrooom.
On the flip side, majority of African men wouldn’t know romance if it was King Kong on top of the highest building. And that’s for a good reason: Most African men don’t care. A lot of us still believe very strongly in tradtional roles, chauvinism and sadly far too many still believe that wife beater isn’t just an article of clothing.
And so they decide I’d rather my Pink-hued prince than my Cocoa-brown wife beater any day.

This is how we once were but we're changing

My Feelings On It
I could lie and say that I am fully in support of this form of interracial mingling and it makes me feel good and fuzzy inside when I see a good African woman with a great white man. I always just feel sad. I feel like we all landed on the island to fight a war together and we have lost another soldier.

Call me corny but I honestly believe that all of us Africans here are part of the same body with the same history and struggles and when one part of the body is lost, it saddens me.
Don’t expect me to join any groups against interracial love, but if you are going to bring me your brand new White husband, give me some time. I am not used to it quite yet.

If you want to join me in further exploration of African immigrant relationships, make sure you stay subscribed via either RSS or email.

If You Want Love, then Make it,


PS: What is with Asian women and white men? You would think one is Michael Jackson and the other a sequin glove…..can anyone explain this to me?

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83 Responses to “Jungle Fever 2: The Relationship Between White Men and African Women”

  1. rags says:

    interesting blog. I found your thoughts most refreshing and entertaining.

  2. Mwangi says:

    @rags: Thanks for the kind words. I hope to hear more from you in future. And thank you for introducing me to Indiginas (who I found surprisingly entertaining) and that track by Manjeru is just brilliant.

  3. PS: What is with Asian women and white men? You would think one is Michael Jackson and the other a sequin glove…..can anyone explain this to me?

    This comment opens up a can of worms, but I will try and explain what I have seen from my own personal experience. What I am about to tell you obviously does not apply to all Asian women and white men relationships, so please don’t scream stereotype if you happen to be in or know of one that is different from what I am about to state. I know not all relationships are based on this.

    I have a friend that I have known since grade school. He has always been very shallow in the type of women he would pursue and unfortunately for him the women he pursued were quite shallow too. He didn’t have the money, looks or car to obtain one of these women. I had lunch with him and friends a few years back when we were all in our early twenties. At the ripe old age of 23 he was a bitter, whiney young man concerning American women. He blamed all of us for his failed relationships (actually I don’t think he had ever had a relationship) with these shallow women he would pursue. They would use him for money, help doing stuff, but never really wanted anything to do with him. If he had more money, he could have probably landed one of these shallow women (gold diggers), but at that point in his life he was still in college and had no real money. He went on and on about how he was such a “nice guy” ( I sincerely believe nice guys don’t exist) and American women would take advantage of him. He would look over at me and my friend Lisa while he was ranting and raving about American women. It was one of the most uncomfortable lunch dates I have ever had and I caught myself rolling my eyes several times. The one thing you must understand is that there were American women who were interested in him, he just wasn’t interested in them because as far as I can tell they were not perfect (Of course I am speaking of his idea of perfection). The women who pursued him were not over weight or ugly, but he only ever went after women that were rail thin and had super model beauty. He sincerely could not see that the problem was not American women, but with him. He couldn’t see the forest for the trees. It’s not to say that some American women didn’t treated him poorly, they did! But as awful as some of these women were to him, I always believe it takes two, one who does and one who allows. He eventually left the United States for a job in Japan because he was tired of American women. Apparantly he has found a woman who worships him and all is well. I don’t know how true that statement is as he has never brought her to the United States and he visits several times a year. All I know is that I have opted out of all lunch dates if it is mentioned he is going to be there. The BUSM entry in my blog is written specifically about him.

  4. Mwangi says:

    @Mwangi: When we discussed it that is one of the only reasons we could think of. The submissive nature of the Asian women vs the more assertive nature of the Western women is what drives Western men to Asian women, in addition to their sense of style and slim figures. That complies with my intuition and the discussions I have had. Thanks for the story.

  5. Sunny says:

    Here, you have hit an important topic. A reason why African women in the diaspora go over to the creamier side of life is that realization that the men will often have a more expanded sense of romance. Small example of sample date at home (name your capital in Africa) – Meat and beer at a local. Here, meat and beer at a local, get flowers before, have doors opened, wined and dined…the outing may not involve the boys, possibly and if you go to watch soccer, you were consulted beforehand. If the date is dinner indoors, you as an African woman may have someone else clean the dishes and bring you tea. Strange to some ears, but that is a big reason why.

  6. Kelly says:

    I agree with Sunny that romance is a big part of why many women would go for a white man.
    Traditionally, all the man was expected to do is provide for his family, and in turn the woman would churn out babies, take care of the family and worship the man. Sorry to say, but this is kinda outdated with the empowered career woman and all, but our african brothers are taking long to catch up. Women realise the value they deliver, and is it asking for too much to be romanced in turn?
    I wouldn’t go for a white husband as yet, but I think our men need to step up.

  7. NAkeel says:

    African men loosing on their sistaz because they dont want to meet us half way. Its not my relationship its our raltionship and we should work together to get the best. Lets adore each other and apprecaite each other than assuming that I am the boss work it out.
    Am loving the leopard skin template.

  8. Mwangi says:

    @Sunny: The first time I heard a woman-she was a hairdresser-talking about why she was hungrily searching for a White man (she was in Kenya) it was pretty much for that reason. And I paraphrase:
    “Before we do anything, what do you want to do sweety? Can I rub your feet sweety?”
    That can be a very welcome shock I guess to a lot of African women.

  9. Mwangi says:

    @Kelly: I think that part of the reason that white men may also find Asian women so fantastic is because of the very reason you put above – Asian women do their part on their home and are happy with a balance between doing their part in the home and being romanced.
    My mother went to University here in Oz and one of the things she told me was how much she pitied a lot of Australian men. Their wives expected them to go to work, come home, romance them and take care of the house and children and could easily divorce taking half, child support and the kids if he didn’t. And for some odd reason too, a lot of Australian middle age women here are very bitter and angry whereas a lot of men here are very nice and feminine…..a whole post could be written on this, it’s bizzare

  10. Mwangi says:

    @Nakeel: At times I truly pity a lot of African sistaz. If there is one thing I can assure you, there is nowhere in the African boy-child manual on romance. In our teens when we do learn romance from older men, it’s just how to use it as a tool for sex. The fact that we actually don’t have relationship classes and mentors in society, when it’s such an important part of life, is something we should work hastily to correct. In fact that’s one of the areas that me thinks the church and religious institutions kick butt…they don’t assume marriages working is a given and counsel and mentor and teach the soon to be wed and the newly weds.
    Thanks for the kind words on the print….I think the consensus is that it’s pretty much staying.

  11. sokari says:

    I am not going to comment on some of the comments cause i am in a mad rush. but first thing. Is there some kind of epidemic of african women marrying / partnering white men? where did all these myths come from? Maybe because I am from Nigeria I am missing something here. Either way I would turn all the myths round and read this as white men stalking women of colour (they also go to the far east for wives) and preying on poor women – at the lowest level this is a form of sexual slavery. I remember a couple of times I was in Banjul Gambia seeing a lot of predators of both sexes – they call it sex tourism!

    with regard to children of mixed parentage (i would like to first ask someone to explain to me which half of a person is white and which is black?) On a personal level my own parents have been married for 50 odd years most of which was spent in Africa and i am sure they cannot be the only interracial couple that remain happily married after such a long time.

    “Shouldn’t we want to bring kids into the world who won’t look at other black people and think of them as hideous.” The implication here is:
    people of mixed parentage think themselves superior – some may and frankly i pity them but with all due respect that is such a sweeping statement and grounded in the color complex. Believe it or not there are many so called “mixed race” people who do not accept that label and prefer to identify as being Black. And just maybe people just go for people cause they like each other – does there always have to be some subtext to every encounter. I dunno this post is not agreeing with me at all – sorry friend but what can i say?

  12. Mwangi says:

    @sokari: That’s fine if the post doesn’t fully agree with you, you’re opposing vantage point will expand my view of the situation.
    1) It’s actually far from a pandemic. Mixed race marriages and relationships are still a minority but I thought I would still discuss them because they are significant enough to matter and it’s probably something that all of us immigrants have either been involved in or no about.
    2) To the view point of sexual slavery: I have never heard it put like that….but one could make a case for that view point…. the more powerful person (the Western male) using power and money to take what you want (sex) from a much weaker party (the African woman)….probably plays a role some of the time, especially in horror stories that I have heard of.
    3) I have seen mixed race, white man/black woman marriages work quite well actually, much better than black men/ white women relationships anyway.
    4) The inferiority complex rarely originates in the mixed sense children but from the Africans themselves who think of their fellow cocoa bean/charcoal black folk as hideous and prefer the cocoa butter yellow complexion and soft features of mixed race kids.
    5) Personally, I believe that everything we do we do for a reason. I am just examining one of the reasons that a lot of things happen: race. In this race conscious world, I think race still plays a large factor in any interracial relationship…….
    Thanks for stopping by….btw, twitter feed is fantastic!

  13. gal africana says:

    Do you also get sad when you see a black man with a white woman? Is it also tough for you when a guy pal of yours introduces you to their white girlfriend?

    I’m very lax on the interracial relationships thing…and to be honest, I think Africans abroad limit their choices considerably if they decide to only date Africans….there just isn’t enough of us “out here”…

    At the end of the day…men are men…some African men can be very unromantic and macho and brutishly so…some white men can be indecisive wussies…but in between…men are men. My advice to women…consciously be involved in your choice of man and don’t care what color he is.

  14. Mwangi says:

    @gal africana: Believe it or not…no, I don’t get sad when I see a black man with a white woman. Currently I am not in a place where I want to date one, but for some odd reason, black men with white women doesn’t bother me at all….go figure.
    My hope is that one day this blog will be a part of teaching folk to “just be more conscious” about life in general, especially in areas that matter such as relationships and health……

  15. gal africana says:

    Hmmm interesting that the black man white woman mix is ok for you. Maybe you feel bothered because you feel that there is one less “good African woman” for you to choose from?…there could be a good white woman out there for you…if you open yourself up to the possibility…or a good black woman…just like men are men…women are women…our skin color and cultures are pure labels…we are wayyyy more than that…YOU know this…no?

  16. Mwangi says:

    @gal: Personally I think in this day and age considering how cosmopolitan we all are, what matters most for us “city kids” is culture and what culture one identifies with.
    Simply put, for me to have stimulating and/or flirtatious conversation with women who identify with Australian, or British or most Western cultures, except perhaps Germans, is close to impossible.
    If they are African, Indian or Sri Lankan…different story.
    Actually now that you’ve said that, I don’t think it’s just that there’s one less African woman to chose from, but also she may act as an example to African women on her level or better than her and then we might end up losing one more thing to foreigners….interesting how we all have idiosyncratic, individualized beliefs about things…..

  17. gal africana says:

    uhm…Germans? Seriously? hahaha…sorry, cant help it…Germans?!

    well…those are not the only cultures on earth…so there’s hope yet…I just believe in being open to the smörgÃ¥sbord of cultures on earth and celebrating them…so my flirting “habits” are congruent with that, makes things fun…although I find Germans a bit uptight…lol

    I do hear you…I just feel that you have nothing to fear.

  18. Mwangi says:

    @gal: Hey don’t knock the Germans, they are a helluva-lot-a-fun bunch. I don’t know what you’re talking about uptight, their accent might sound a bit militant but they can party with the best of them.
    I live in the most multicultural city on Earth (if not, it’s number 2 after Montreal) so I have gotten a pretty good sampling of the various cultures (Mediterranean, Asian, European, African…the only ones I haven’t seen too much of, South Americans)
    I am a very loud person and as a result, I am one of those people who people either like or not, and some cultures just like my style a bit better than others.

  19. gal africana says:

    I’ll concede to not knocking Germans if you quit knocking spirituality (ati “in the west its called spirituality”…you cow lol) have a nice day/night 🙂

  20. Mwangi says:

    @gal africana: Sigh, then I guess I will have to allow you to keep knocking my German folk 😉 And I in turn revenge the wishes that you have a great day/night.

  21. I find it interesting that it bothers you to see a black woman and a white man together, but not if it is a white woman and a black man. Could this be because you want your choice in women (whatever race they may be), but wish to deprive a black woman of whom she wishes to date? Personally, I don’t care who someone dates as I know matters of the heart know no boundaries.

  22. Mwangi says:

    @Caustic: I didn’t even realize I had that was why I felt the way I did until I started talking to you guys via the comments section….I think you just may be right that it comes down to a very selfish reason of me wanting all women for myself and my community.

  23. sunny says:

    @ Mwangi: The idea of African men stepping up to the romance plate would be roundly accepted. Notable is a platonic friend, white male, who made me dinner, and dessert, thats all. Three years later, I still remember that incident. Why, because as an African, you have fed so many people you have never been appreciated in kind, and here is a male from another land doing what at home is unheard of!
    Also, the excuse that some African males have for romancing their wives from other lands, is that, ” they do it this way in Rome, we have to be Romans” and they add, ” if she were African we would do the way we do in Africa” what?
    Just some comments on a great thread of discussions!

  24. Mwangi says:

    @Sunny: Interestingly enough, there is this Kenyan guy, I think I may have written about him before, who is here studying (I believe he is in the Masters program, not sure). Anyway, he has this Australian girlfriend who studies and during the holidays works as a nurse. He comes from a pretty wealthy family and doesn’t need to work. So during the holidays he spends the whole day taking care of the home, cleaning it, taking care of the garden and cooking a meal for his woman. Once his woman comes home, they have dinner at the table, they discuss each other’s day, they then go and watch TV together while giving each other massages. Every so often they take trips together, just the two of them, and go for weeks at a time.
    When my cousin saw them he was shocked, he couldn’t imagine a Kenyan man of that caliber existed.

  25. acolyte says:

    Seems I missed the bash. To be honest alot of white man – african woman relationships are fueled by stereotypes and preconceptions.

    White men are not necessarily richer than Africans nor are they always more romantic. On the other hand not all African men are lumbering brutes in and out of the bedroom. Sadly not all African women believe that so you will see a very good AFrican woman running around with some shady white dude when she can do better by herself. There are some genuine relationships out there, Im not going to refuse that point though. But I think too many African women think of white men as Knights on a horse coming to save them from their trifling African brothers, I have heard very many AFrican women out here express that sentiment in different ways.

    Ladies black or white a man is a man………..

  26. Mwangi says:

    @acolyte: Enyewe bwana I hope you brought a gift to make up for being so late 😉 A man’s perspective was definitely needed on this.
    Btw, you have brought up something that I did not put in the article but is worth discussing:

    They are those women who go outside the race in retaliation/ hatred/ anger/ bitterness towards African men. These are the women who walk around talking about everything wrong with the African man and why the White man is superior……I think the saddest thing about women in this situation is that underlying all their actions is a negative emotion whether bitterness, anger etc etc etc

    Whereas I do agree with the sentiments that everyone has expressed in terms of a human is a human is a human irrespective of race, I think a discussion of race must be conducted not necessarily because neurons are formed differently amongst the races but because different races usually come complete with their own cultures, belief systems and codes and customs of behavior hence the reason that an expression like “He acts black/He acts white” can actually have some merit in this world.
    So I definitely think an analysis of how much our race affects our behavior and thoughts should definitely be discussed even if your goal in life is to “surpass the whole issue of identifying yourself on the basis of your race.”

  27. Sunny says:

    @Aco: You said it, a man is a man. I and many women try to make distinctions between men to say that men are different, that we could, and should raise them to differing standards. Its sobering for me to get back the idea that a man is really just a man.
    I think that women look outside the race because they have been roundly let down by the men of their own race.

  28. Carol says:

    Wow,interesting.Its true Mwangi,that you could be limiting a black womans’ chances as you keep yours wide,so African of you!lol.
    So far I have had cases that make me laugh.I always frequent a night club but lately I think I must change.A few months back,some black guys approached my friends and I(two of us were black)and complained how girls in there disliked dancing with them,reason?(he was not a good dancer!)One managed to talk to us(Africans),saying that we were spoilt and act like “wazungus”. A few weeks then I decided to be a good person and ask a jammaa to danse with me.To my shock he refused,saying,I want someone who danses well.I told him,”oh so you are saying I cannot danse well?”.I swore never to ask them again.
    Hitherto, my fantasies for a black guy is 1 on a scale of 0-10.Apart from others whistiling on the streets,or saying hi so indescretly,none of them seems a perfect match for me.Long live intermarried couples!
    For those still single just look around,not on the skin but to the caracter of the person.

  29. Mwangi says:

    @Carol: Hallo and welcome to the Displaced African. Hope you enjoy your stay and I look forward to hearing what you have to say about my other posts :D. In which country are you in?

  30. njeri says:

    I do believe that to some extent african women will probably use white men as kinda of a stepping stone from their harsh living situations. But I also believe that once that happens and the women are able to make it out of their difficult situations those relationships are normally done with. But with all due respect not all african women capitalise on such relationships but there is always a possibility. Anyways when those girls get out of those relationships they usually are quite desparate to get back to their african brothers except it’s not as easy since they already are used to being pampered. Then again there are those african women who go for white boys simply because they think they’re beyond an african man’s standards. My own opinion on this; both parties do capitalize on each other…white men for sex if u wish and african women for finacial opportunities/securities etc. Either way it’s a win-win situation. Having said that some of these interacial marriages are for real and should be respected.

  31. Mwangi says:

    @njeri: Thanks for sharing your take on the matter. I also forgot to mention the women who go after white men purely to get permanent residence and citizenship papers.
    In Sydney, Australia, there is actually a night club where young women are told to go to look for men who they can marry for paper work with apparently quite a few women going there and doing just that.

  32. Sean says:

    I’m a white American man, and it’s interesting to hear African women talk about this subject. African-American women have been conditioned to not even think about bringing a white man home, and rightfully so. We all know why. But I think there is something deeper about the attraction than also just saying modern white men are more romantic, respectful, etc. I’m incredibly attracted to African people in general–as is every human being, I believe…instictively sensing the power and deepness of every single human’s origin in Africa, either embracing it or fearing it, fear always being the pathetically weak root of racism. It’s now a scientic fact: every single one of us can trace out origin to one woman, who was from Africa, the “Mitochondeial Eve,” as geneticists call her. African-Americans are still stuck in this horrible situation over here of being in a country that feeds their self-hatred at every turn, despite their tie to all of humanity now being scientific fact. They have been conditioned to look in the mirror and see their African features as being primitive, and then, on top of it, believe their minds, thoughts, and actions are too. African-Americans long to be “intellectually” on the same level they percieve to Europeans other races to be, without even knowing they creators and owners of the most poweful intellectual thing in all of humanity: language, specifically, the universal one, music. African Americans shun being lumped into the “entertainer” category in this regard, but being a musician, I stand in awe of their universal control of the language we all speak and know in our hearts. This might might seem crazy, but I can hear that in any African woman’s voice. And their skin is beautiful, and their bodies are beautiful. Whoever convinced the world that skinny white girls from Hollywood are sexy is an evil genius…

  33. Mwangi says:

    @Sean: Wow man….you brought quite some profound poetry to this site. I would love to hear what some of the African women will say once they read your comments. Thanks for stopping by and expressing yourself so positively and openly.

  34. Kelly says:

    Thanks Sean! That was so beautiful, it gave me goosebumps. Such appreciation coming from any man regardless of color is amazing!

  35. Sean says:

    Thanks 🙂 I kept thinking I should say something in defense of African men, too. I read up here where a woman said that African men aren’t affectionate, don’t treat them with respect, etc. This is always said about African-American men, too. But I know African-American men to be some of the most emotionally deep men there are. But most are trapped in a struggle to essentially gain what they percieve to be an equal power as men of other races. If a man’s trying to get his own, he probably doesn’t have much time for back rubs and cuddling. This is true of any man of any race in any place in this world. But then the African-American man is also trapped in the whole thug/mandingo thing. A man can only take so much of a stereotype before he starts to embrace it and spit it back in the face of those who stereotyped him, make him feel the fear that the hate came from twice as much. Not a lot of time for footrubs in that scenario, either! A man needs to be secure in his place as a man in a man’s world before he can show affection. But I think African-American men have a deep understanding of men as men, and men of all races that they can tap into, which is their true power. Ask any man of any other race, and if they’re honest they’ll admit they’re jealous: “how come we don’t call each other brother?” Haha! True. I hope some day the African man gets his crown back. Treat a man like a king, and he’ll treat you like a queen. Peace…One Love.

  36. Mwangi says:

    @Sean: On behalf of the brothers thx 4 the empathy

  37. John says:

    I am also a white American man, who, like Sean, does not find skinny girls sexy. I wish more African American women knew that there are plenty of white men who appreciate the beauty of their features and curvaceous bodies. I think Jennifer Hudson is one of the sexiest women in Hollywood.

  38. Mwangi says:

    @John: Lol! Welcome man. I think your ideas on curvaceousness and its correlation to sexiness will be more than invited and welcome here, especially by the writer of this post, namely yours truly 🙂

  39. John says:

    Mwangi, to me, a curvaceous woman is sexy by definition. I think the pressure on women to be skinny is sick. Pleasantly plump is just right.

  40. Mwangi says:

    @John: Preaching to the choir my friend. Preaching to the choir. We are already in the second song in the playlist, “Curves make the world go round!” 😉

  41. John says:

    I am happy I found your site, Mwangi. You seem pretty cool to me. I like that you are both candid and open-minded.

  42. liberiangirl says:

    Personally I will stick to my Black men. I get hit on daily white men..even asians..I prefer my black men. I actually attempted to date a white guy once..and i just felt like something was missing..especially after I kissed him and saw my makeup all over his face..lol. I mean I do find some white men attractive..however there is nothing like being with a strong educated handsome black man.

  43. Mwangi says:

    @liberiangirl: Then welcome to tDA 😀 Seriously though, thanks for giving props to our African males. Has there ever been a relationship between a native African woman and a native Oriental Asian man? I don’t think I have ever seen one, I have heard they exist but never seen one?

  44. liberiangirl says:

    ahh..I am sure it is out there…there are many asians in africa as well…so who knows..you know everyone has a taste for chocolate..lol

  45. ezz says:

    Mwangi, on African women/Asian men you’d need to go to Asia or come to Africa to see them. A friend of mine met her Indian husband in India & another friend in Kenya has a relationship with a Korean.

    Also on classification, I think you need to distinguish between the relationships that take place in Africa and those that take place in the diaspora.

  46. Mwangi says:

    @ezz: I realized after creating this whole Jungle Fever series that there definitely are a lot more nuances that I needed to create, one of them being, as you said, relationships on the African continent and in the diaspora.
    By Asian I was actually referring to Oriental Asians and Africans. The Indian, African connection I have seen made enough times that it’s no longer a huge novelty.
    I have only ever seen biracial results of the Asian man, African woman equation e.g. Tyson Beckford, but I have never ever interacted with a biracial African woman/Oriental Asian man couple.

  47. John says:

    Mwangi, I was not certain if your description “African women” was referring to all women of African descent, but I assume you are since you included African American women in this thread.

  48. Mwangi says:

    @John: Hmm, though I wrote this article some time ago and don’t quite remember what I said, I wouldn’t think, I would have included African American women because their circumstances are soooo different.

  49. John says:

    Mwangi, perhaps it was the reference to Halle Berry that made be think so. Since I am American, I would have much more contact with African American women than African women anyway.

  50. Mwangi says:

    @John: Most of the birracial people that we know come from the States hence the use of references to Ms. Berry, Obama, Leila Arcieri and so on and so forth…….

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