Posts Tagged ‘culture clash’

Here’s Why It’s Confusing Being Me and It Might Be Confusing Being You Too

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

I exist in an extremely odd shade of gray. This post will be as the title suggests, a confused convoluted conversation about confusion. Uncensored and unedited, straight from my brain to your eyes.


Every Immigrant Has A Story Like This

Friday, June 13th, 2008

I wrote this piece a while back and submitted it to one of the big blogs in the African blogosphere in the hopes of being published as a guest author. But alas, I felt the sting of rejection 🙁 On the bright side, this piece gets published anyway 😀 ….and since there are a whole bunch of you new readers, I would like to welcome you with a tale of one of my experiences from my early days of Australian life. If you enjoy the peace, make sure you leave a comment with a little anecdote of your own.

The Battle Zone (more…)