Posts Tagged ‘business success’

Success Story from the African Diaspora: Wilfred ole Saroni

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

I interrupt the regularly scheduled programing, (believe it or not, the blog runs on a program now…who woulda thought) to bring you a quick inspirational story from the Diaspora. Whereas material wealth isn’t everything (I’m serious), I still love stories like these because they force us to raise our standards and our beliefs about what is possible. Anyway enjoy and I hope it sparks some thought (and more importantly) some action that will get you on a headline somewhere. Taken verbatim from this Daily Nation article:

US-based Kenyan businessman joins the big league Story by ENOCK WAMBUA in Lowell, Massachusetts
Publication Date: 3/22/2008
A Kenyan made history this week by taking his privately owned business to the mainstream of America’s commerce. (more…)