Posts Tagged ‘4 hour work week’

My 4 Hour Work Week Journey: D for Definition (The Rules of the Game)

Monday, July 7th, 2008

This is day 4 of My 4 Hour Work Week Journey. Please make sure you read the rest of the articles that came before this one to understand where I am in the journey. Click here to buy a copy of the 4 hour work week and go on the journey with me.

Step 1: D is for Definition (Pages 21 – 48)

The D for definition section is chock full of great information. For the sake of expediency we shall only talk about three things: (more…)

My 4 Hour Work Week Journey Introduction

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Tim Ferriss with 4 hour work week

Yet another series that is being created and in this case lived on the fly. Feedback! Feedback! Feedback! Tell me what I should improve about the series, about the videos and just any other general feedback, please leave that in the comments section. Anyway……….

My 4 Hour Work Week Journey (more…)