M Does Not Stand for Mwangi: Mwangi Stands for Mwangi

Do you remember the interview I did with Nairobi Star?

Well the newspaper came out today and apparently as a result of a mix-up, my identity is now interlocked with that of M of Thinker’s Room. To check out some comments on this mix up check out Shiroh’s site and the Thinker’s Room post on it as well.

My name and M's may seem similar but they are actually quite different

Now, I have emailed M to let him know that I am fully aware of the mix-up and am willing to act to rectify the whole thing but he said not to worry. This is good, because on my end this will probably benefit me because I get a rub from one of the best blogs on the blogosphere.

Anyway, an interesting turn of events for an otherwise uneventful Tuesday afternoon.

I just shared this video with Gal Africana and I think the concept is pretty well understood within the African community: There is normal time and then there is African time; always late for everything.

icon for podpress  Boomba Clan - African Timer: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Have a mind-blowing day and I’ll see you tomorrow,


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No Responses to “M Does Not Stand for Mwangi: Mwangi Stands for Mwangi”

  1. seinlife says:

    Awesome video – I think it’s more like a ‘black people’ time…..but i get the gist!
    Nice blog

  2. gal africana says:

    Sadly that kind of negligence when it comes to journalism is very common place, it seems. Makes me more skeptical of news stories…

    I was looking for a Chris Rock vid poking fun at the “African time” thing…apparently African Americans “suffer” from the same thing. Couldn’t find it though…have you seen that that sketch?

  3. Mwangi says:

    No I haven’t would love to see it though. I had no idea that African Americans culture is one of lateness…..you can take an African from Africa but you can’t take the African-ness out.

    It really is remarkable to think how much faith we put into news organizations that are obviously so fallible isn’t it.

  4. Mwangi says:

    @seinlife: Thank you for the kind words about my blog. As I am learning, it is a black and even brown people thing. Apparently chronic lateness and casualness about punctuality affects everyone of color from Mauritius and New York, all the way to Brazil and Mexico

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